Topics covered during the four (4) hour course include:
• Basic Handgun Safety
• Handgun Parts and Operation
• Handgun Shooting Fundamentals
• Holsters and Safe Concealment Considerations
• Utah BCI Regulatory Duties
• Utah Codes on Justification of Force
• Concealed Firearm Permit Restrictions
• Travelling and Transporting Firearms and Ammunition
• Federal Firearms Regulations
• Reciprocity and Recognition
Each student will be provided with the following:
• Completed, signed and stamped application
• Completed fingerprint card
• Passport style photo
• Photocopy of Driver’s License and Virginia CHP (if applicable)
• Addressed envelope to Utah BCI
Course fee: $75.00 for classes at our facility. If you are interested in having us teach at your location, contact us for a quote.
The application fee is not included with this course and will need to be submitted to Utah BCI either by check or filling in credit card information on the application.
Students have one year from date of course to submit the application.
The Utah Concealed Firearm Permit is valid for five (5) years.
We offer a comprehensive and thorough Utah Concealed Firearm Permit class, that complies completely with the rules and regulations set forth by the state of Utah.