Our Defensive Handgun course is designed for those who are ready to move beyond the basics of handgun operation, and shooters who are looking to take their existing skills to the next level. Defensive Handgun will impart the skills to give shooters the confidence and ability to successfully employ the handgun in a self defense situation.
Defensive Handgun will start off in the classroom, covering the following topics:
Safety Review
The Effect of Stress on the Body
Equipment Considerations
Justification for the Use of Force
What to do After a Self-Defense Shooting
The class will then move to the range, where we will cover:
Range Safety Brief
Fundamentals of Shooting Review
Elements of the Draw
Drawing From Open Carry and Concealment
Ready Positions
Shooting From Ready Positions
Tactical and Combat Reloading
Malfunction Clearance
Weapon Hand and Reaction Hand Shooting
Accuracy Drills
Static Shooting Drills
Turning and Shooting
Shooting While Moving Drills
Moving With the Gun Drawn
Use of Cover and Concealment
Course Length: 8 hours.
Prerequisites: Completion of a basic firearms course or a general familiarity with firearms. Students should be comfortable operating the firearm that they bring to the class.
Equipment required: Quality semi-automatic handgun or revolver with at least two spare magazines or speed loaders (the more, the better), a minimum of 350 rounds of quality ammunition (the more, the better), quality holster suitable for open or concealed carry, eye and ear protection (electronic ear pro preferred), brimmed hat (recommended).
Course fee: $150.00 + Range fees. This class can be taught at your location. Contact us for a quote and more info.